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Kobold2D Clean Install 'clang: error: no such file or directory'

I have just installed Kobold2D and have encountered an error before being able to do an initial build with the 'Hello-Kobold2D' project template.

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/olivercooper/Kobold2D/Kobold2D-2.0.4/Kobold'
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'Test-1/../__Kobold2D__/libs/GoogleAdMobAdsSDK/libGoogleAdMobAds.a'

I haven't touched anything, literally just clicked 'Run'.

I am using Xcode 4.5.2, OS X 10.8.

I have looked at this question: (Kobold2d) Clang Error after upgrading to xcode 4.5 but it doesn't answer the question.


  • To anyone who has the problem, it appears to me that if you have a space in your project name (e.g. 'Kobold2D Test-1') it won't build. You just need to recreate the project with no spaces in the name.