I've set up pg_search in my Rails app on Heroku:
@query = 'fast'
PgSearch.multisearch(@query) #=>
[#<PgSearch::Document searchable: ferrari, :content: 'this car is really fast'>,
#<PgSearch::Document searchable: viper, :content: 'a very fast car'>]
I'd like to display these results with excerpts from content
to show where the match occurs. I can call excerpt(content, @query)
to get exactly what I want when @query
is only one word, but excerpt()
only handles exact matches, so if:
@query = 'car fast'
PgSearch.multisearch(@query) #=>
[#<PgSearch::Document searchable: ferrari, :content: 'this car is really fast'>,
#<PgSearch::Document searchable: viper, :content: 'a very fast car'>]
then excerpt(content, @query)
is nil because nowhere in content
does the exact phrase 'car fast' appear.
I considered excerpt(content, @query.split(' ').first)
to at least show something for multi-word queries, but there are still cases such as this:
@query = 'car?'
@results = PgSearch.multisearch(@query) #=>
[#<PgSearch::Document searchable: ferrari, :content: 'this car is really fast'>,
#<PgSearch::Document searchable: viper, :content: 'a very fast car'>]
excerpt(@results.first.content, @query) #=> nil
So, how do folks show excerpts from search results when using pg_search?
FWIW— Following nertzy's example above, I was able to get this to work with the following:
PgSearch.multisearch(@query).select("ts_headline(pg_search_documents.content, plainto_tsquery('english', ''' ' || unaccent('#{@query}') || ' ''' || ':*')) AS excerpt")
I was having trouble getting plainto_tsquery(?)
to work, as it was throwing a syntax error. My solution above was simply the result of doing
PgSearch.multisearch(@query).select(["ts_headline(pg_search_documents.content, plainto_tsquery(?)) AS excerpt", @query]).to_sql
and then plugging in the to_tsquery
arguments for the new plainto_tsquery
call—something I'm sure is not entirely sound, but seems to work.