My story file:
In order to document all the business logic requests
As a user
I want to work with documents
Scenario: Basic new document creation
Given a user name Micky Mouse
When new document created
Then the document should named new document
And the document status should be NEW
My code:
public class DocStories extends JUnitStory {
public Configuration configuration() {
return new MostUsefulConfiguration().useStoryLoader(
new LoadFromClasspath(getClass().getClassLoader()))
new StoryReporterBuilder().withFormats(Format.STATS,
Format.HTML, Format.CONSOLE, Format.TXT));
public List<CandidateSteps> candidateSteps() {
return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new DocSteps())
public void run() throws Throwable {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
In the class with my steps:
public class DocSteps {
private final Map<String, User> users = new HashMap<String, User>();
private final DocManager manager = new DocManager();
private User activeUser;
private Document activeDocument;
private boolean approvedResult;
private void initUsers() {
users.put("Micky Mouse", new User("Micky Mouse", UserRole.ANALYST));
users.put("Donald Duck", new User("Donald Duck", UserRole.BCR_LEADER));
System.out.println("Check this out" + users.toString());
// **********steps*************//
@Given("a user name $userName")
public void connectUser(String userName) {
// in the real world - it will get the user from the db
activeUser = new User(userName, UserRole.ANALYST);
// System.out.println(activeDocument.getName());
@Given("a new document")
@When("new document created")
public void createDocument() {
activeDocument = new Document();
@Given("a document with content")
public void createDocWithContect() {
activeDocument.setContent("this is a document");
@Then("the document should named $docName")
@Alias("the document name should be $docName")
public void documentNameShouldBe(String docName) {
Assert.assertEquals(docName, activeDocument.getName());
@Then("the document status should be $status")
public void documentStatusShouldBe(String status) {
DocStatus docStatus = DocStatus.valueOf(status);
// *****************AFTER***************//
public void clean() {
activeUser = null;
activeDocument = null;
approvedResult = false;
The methods with the "before and after" stories annotation are not executed.
the enum
converter doesn't work as well.
What is wrong with my configuration (I assume it is my configuration)?
The problem is that your method initUsers is private. Just make it public and it will be visible to JBehave engine:
public void initUsers() {