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Algorithm to check if directed graph is strongly connected

I need to check if a directed graph is strongly connected, or, in other words, if all nodes can be reached by any other node (not necessarily through direct edge).

One way of doing this is running a DFS and BFS on every node and see all others are still reachable.

Is there a better approach to do that?


  • Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm (or Gabow's variation) will of course suffice; if there's only one strongly connected component, then the graph is strongly connected.

    Both are linear time.

    As with a normal depth first search, you track the status of each node: new, seen but still open (it's in the call stack), and seen and finished. In addition, you store the depth when you first reached a node, and the lowest such depth that is reachable from the node (you know this after you finish a node). A node is the root of a strongly connected component if the lowest reachable depth is equal to its own depth. This works even if the depth by which you reach a node from the root isn't the minimum possible.

    To check just for whether the whole graph is a single SCC, initiate the dfs from any single node, and when you've finished, if the lowest reachable depth is 0, and every node was visited, then the whole graph is strongly connected.