Let's assume I have an AMD module that conditionally requires a second module in some environments:
define(["require"], function(require) { var myObj = { foo: console.error.bind(console) }; if(browserEnv) require(["./conditional-polyfill"],function(polyfill){ myObj.foo = console.log.bind(console,polyfill) ; }); return myObj; //returns before conditional require is satisfied });
The question is: How can I delay the define() call to return/callback AFTER the conditional require has been completed?
I.e. the code below fails:
require(["module-from-above"],function(logger){ logger.foo("Hello!"); //console.error gets called });
My thoughts on solutions to this issue:
, everything would work. However, that just circumvents the problem and doesn't work for every case. I want it modularized for a reason.myObj
that gets fulfilled by ./conditional-polyfill
later. This would work, but it's really ugly to call loggerDeferred.then(function(logger){ ... });
all the time.All solutions I can think of are more hacks than good code. However, I think that my issue isn't too far-fetched. So, how to handle this?
Push conditional outside of "factory function" (the name commonly used in AMD community to refer to the require's and define's callback function)
;(function() {
function factory(require, polyfill){
var myObj = {
foo: console.error.bind(console)
myObj.foo = console.log.bind(console, polyfill)
return myObj
var need = ['require']
define(need, factory)