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How to handle AMD modules with conditional requires?

Let's assume I have an AMD module that conditionally requires a second module in some environments:

define(["require"], function(require) {
  var myObj = { 
    foo: console.error.bind(console) 
    require(["./conditional-polyfill"],function(polyfill){ = console.log.bind(console,polyfill) ;
  return myObj; //returns before conditional require is satisfied

The question is: How can I delay the define() call to return/callback AFTER the conditional require has been completed?

I.e. the code below fails:

require(["module-from-above"],function(logger){"Hello!"); //console.error gets called

My thoughts on solutions to this issue:

  • If I inline ./polyfill, everything would work. However, that just circumvents the problem and doesn't work for every case. I want it modularized for a reason.
  • I could return a Deferred object instead of myObj that gets fulfilled by ./conditional-polyfill later. This would work, but it's really ugly to call loggerDeferred.then(function(logger){ ... }); all the time.
  • I could make a AMD loader plugin for this module. And call the callback as soon as everything is ready. Again, this would work, but own loader plugins don't work with my build tool.

All solutions I can think of are more hacks than good code. However, I think that my issue isn't too far-fetched. So, how to handle this?


  • Push conditional outside of "factory function" (the name commonly used in AMD community to refer to the require's and define's callback function)

    ;(function() {
    function factory(require, polyfill){
      var myObj = { 
        foo: console.error.bind(console) 
      if(polyfill){ = console.log.bind(console, polyfill)
      return myObj
    var need = ['require']
    define(need, factory)