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OpenGL giving triangles colors in a list

I'm working in python / PyOpenGL, but the calls are basically mapped straight to OpenGL itself so I'm asking for help from people who know either.

I've got a big 3D system which I've decomposed into facets myself. My first attempt at the code looked something like this:

from OpenGL.GL import *

def render(facets):
  for facet in facets:
    glColor( facet['color'] )
    for v in facet['vertices']:

i.e. I ran over the python objects one at a time, and drew them each individually. The color rendered was set per facet, i.e. per triangle, as the triangle's surface color.

Having debugged my code for generating the facets this way, I wanted to render them faster using a native OpenGL list, like this (based on a source snippet from pyglet):

def build_compiled_gllist(vertices, facets):
  """this time, the vertices must be specified globally, and referenced by
  indices in order to use the list paradigm. vertices is a list of 3-vectors, and
  facets are dicts containing 'normal' (a 3-vector) 'vertices' (indices to the 
  other argument) and 'color' (the color the triangle should be)."""

  # first flatten out the arrays:
  vertices = [x for point in vertices for x in point]
  normals = [x for facet in facets for x in facet['normal']]
  indices = [i for facet in facets for i in facet['vertices']]
  colors = [x for facet in facets for x in facet['color']]

  # then convert to OpenGL / ctypes arrays:
  vertices = (GLfloat * len(vertices))(*vertices)
  normals = (GLfloat * len(normals))(*normals)
  indices = (GLuint * len(indices))(*indices)
  colors = (GLfloat * len(colors))(*colors)

  # finally, build the list:
  list = glGenLists(1)
  glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE)

  glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices)
  glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals)
  glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, colors)
  glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(indices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices)


  return list

def run_gl_render(render_list):
  """trivial render function"""

However, my colors come out completely wrong. The facets are grouped into objects, and within an object all the facet colors should be the same; instead they seem to be completely random.

Looking at other examples, it seems that this array of colors is per-vertex rather than per-facet. How does that make sense? Vertices are points which by definition can't be rendered - the facets are what are rendered and what have colors! Every vertex in my system is shared between two of the facet-collections / objects, and thus should have two colours to its name.

Someone please clarify how this data is supposed to be structured; I have clearly misunderstood the model I'm working with.


  • Yes, color is specified per-vertex. Depending on the shade model, only one of the colors may be used, but each vertex still gets a color. Your code should work if you replace

    colors = [x for facet in facets for x in facet['color']]


    colors = [x for facet in facets for x in facet['color']*3]

    to duplicate the color for each vertex. If your normal data is per-face then you will have to do the same for the normal data. Note also that the color and normal values have to match up with the vertices argument, not the indices.

    By the way, you can still create a display list using your original code. That is, it's perfectly valid to do

    def compile_object(facets):
      displist = glGenLists(1)
      glNewList(displist, GL_COMPILE)
      # You can call glColor inside of glBegin/glEnd, so I moved them
      # outside the loop, which might improve performance somewhat
      for facet in facets:
        glColor( facet['color'] )
        for v in facet['vertices']:
      return displist

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