After reading Peter's article on JavaScript I noticed
Brendan Eich stated that one the goals for Harmony is to be a better target for to-JavaScript compilers.
There are currently two popular compilers with some vague ES:Harmony compliance:
Although CoffeeScript has some compliance it's not designed to be an ES:Harmony compiler so it's not useful to this end.
Tracuer seems to be sticking more rigorously to the ES:Harmony specification but I don't know whether it intends to become a full ES:Harmony compiler.
Since the aim is to to compile ES6 down to ES3 it would also need to support ES5 features (and probably a switch whether to compile ES5 to ES3 or ES6 to ES3).
I've left a question on the Traceur mailing list.
The aim of such a compiler would be backwards compatibility with ES3. Not full emulation of ES5 and ES6 in ES3.
Continuum has implemented most of the relevant features and should run in es3 browsers (like older IEs).