I want to plot a curve that has a change point at x=5
Until now I am using the code
curve(exp(0.68+0.92*x), from=0,to=5, xlim=c(0,12), ylim=c(0,500))
curve(exp(0.68+0.92*x-0.7*(x-5)), from=5,to=12, add=T)
Is it possible to write it in one line (one curve
command)? I was thinking
something like this
curve(exp(0.47+0.8*x-0.7*(x-5)*if(x<5,0,1)), from=0,to=12, xlim=c(0,12), ylim=c(0,500))
but it doesn't work for R
Using ifelse
you can create one data series:
values = ifelse(x <= 5, exp(0.68+0.92*x), exp(0.68+0.92*x-0.7*(x-5))
and plot them:
and if you insist on a one-liner you can combine the ifelse
and the call to curve
curve(ifelse(x <= 5, exp(0.68+0.92*x), exp(0.68+0.92*x-0.7*(x-5)))
although separating the code into two lines makes it easier to read imo.