I was talking with a recruiter about an opportunity where paired programming is used.
To me there are some concerns about two senior developers working together, as I expect I would be reading while the other is working.
But, as I talked with this recruiter I had a vision of a way that paired programming could be useful, if there was an editor that allowed two people to make changes to the same file at the same time, so, one person could be making comments in a file, as someone else is working on implementing the functionality. The comments could be useful to help explain what the thought patterns were when that functionality was designed, as, if two senior developers are working on some functionality, then it should be a problem of sufficient complexity to warrant some further explanation.
I don't know of any editor that would allow this, as it would probably have to be web-based, in order to see and modify the same problem at the same time.
Would something like this be useful?
What other uses would such a tool have that I would be missing?
I don't care to discuss whether paired programming is a good idea, I have my own opinions, but this concept is very interesting to me.
To have 2 people working simultaneously on different aspects of the same file seems to me to be completely avoiding what pair programming is all about. In pair programming, as I understand it, it's actually the point that only one person is making modifications at any given time. The other person is supposed to be at the same screen, watching the new code for any mistakes, suggest better ways of implementing the code in question, and offer a second mind to bounce ideas off to reach a more effective implementation. So no, I don't think it would be useful in this context.