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web2py components

I would like to load different web2py components in the same view, but not at the same time. I have 5 .load files which have form fields for a different scenario, these are called dynamically by an onchange select script. Is it possible with web2py to do this?


  • Yes, but in that case, don't use the LOAD() helper in the web2py view, as that will generate Javascript that loads the component immediately upon page load. Instead, create a div with an id to hold the component, and have your onchange event handler call the web2py_component() function with the id of the div as the target:

    <div id='mycomponent'></div>
    $(function() {
      $('some_selector').change(function() {
        web2py_component('{{=URL('default', 'mycomponent')}}', target='mycomponent');