I have launch4j configure for my project. I used it back, when i developed on windowsXP, where it worked. Now i need it to build on mac as well:
My build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project default="create-exe">
<property name="platform" value="win32"/>
<property name="launch4j.dir" location="${basedir}/tools/launch4j/" />
<include file="create-jar.xml" as="sub"/>
<target name="create-exe" depends = "sub.create-jar">
<launch4j configFile="launch4j-config.xml" />
<delete file="client.win32.jar"/>
<taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask">
<pathelement path="tools/launch4j/launch4j.jar"/>
<pathelement path="tools/launch4j/lib/xstream.jar"/>
I get the following output:
[launch4j] Compiling resources
[launch4j] Generated resource file...
[launch4j] LANGUAGE 0, 1
[launch4j] 2 RCDATA BEGIN "1.6.0\0" END
[launch4j] 18 RCDATA BEGIN "0\0" END
[launch4j] 25 RCDATA BEGIN "512\0" END
[launch4j] 27 RCDATA BEGIN "1024\0" END
[launch4j] 21 RCDATA BEGIN "http://java.com/download\0" END
[launch4j] 20 RCDATA BEGIN "32\0" END
[launch4j] 9 RCDATA BEGIN "true\0" END
[launch4j] 101 RCDATA BEGIN "An error occurred while starting the application.\0" END
[launch4j] 102 RCDATA BEGIN "This application was configured to use a bundled Java Runtime Environment but the runtime is missing or corrupted.\0" END
[launch4j] 103 RCDATA BEGIN "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment\0" END
[launch4j] 104 RCDATA BEGIN "The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Runtime Environment installation or the runtime is corrupted.\0" END
[launch4j] 17 RCDATA BEGIN "true\0" END
/Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/create-win32-exe.xml:9: net.sf.launch4j.BuilderException: net.sf.launch4j.ExecException: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "./bin/windres": error=2, No such file or directory
When i add bindir="tools/launch4j/bin"
to the launch4j-execution, ld and windres are found, and the output changes to:
[launch4j] Compiling resources
[launch4j] Linking
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/crt2.o: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./head/guihead.o: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./head/head.o: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libmingw32.a: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libgcc.a: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libmsvcrt.a: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libkernel32.a: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libuser32.a: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libadvapi32.a: No such file or directory
[launch4j] /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld: cannot find ./w32api/libshell32.a: No such file or directory
/Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/create-win32-exe.xml:9: net.sf.launch4j.BuilderException: net.sf.launch4j.ExecException: Exec failed (1): /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/tools/launch4j/bin/ld -mi386pe --oformat pei-i386 --dynamicbase --nxcompat --no-seh --subsystem windows -s ./w32api/crt2.o ./head/guihead.o ./head/head.o /var/folders/n5/44dkvyzd00z0h5mklk_pwtch0000gn/T/launch4j3026065429236284429o ./w32api/libmingw32.a ./w32api/libgcc.a ./w32api/libmsvcrt.a ./w32api/libkernel32.a ./w32api/libuser32.a ./w32api/libadvapi32.a ./w32api/libshell32.a -o /Users/fabian/dev/rsys-client/Kassa.exe
Total time: 6 seconds
I was facing the same problem and couldn´t set the path/classpath properly but as a workaround I create the Ant build within the launch4j directory and I was able to get it work generating the executable file.