Hi I am trying to use kaminari as a way to page my collection of 19K results however it doesn't seem to be doing what it is saying on the tin?
I have 19293 documents:
1.9.3p194 :046 > Content.count
=> 19293
But when I try to get the first page I still get 19293
1.9.3p194 :059 > Content.page(1).per(50).count
=> 19293
Any idea what I could be doing wring?
I am using the gem:
14:34:58:myapp(master)$ be gem list kaminari
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
kaminari (0.14.1)
Thanks in advance
See this issue on the Mongoid Github repo.
To get the correct entries for the page, do:
This will evaluate the Mongoid criteria, yielding only 50 entries.