I think my issue comes from using Knockout.js with "jquery.tmpl.1.0.0pre.js" where existing DOM script templates become pre-compiled? I'm trying to figure out how to pump external html templates in to a page (which I've done) but also get Knockout.js to use them (which currently fails with errors.) BTW, I'm applying Knockout bindings after all ajax calls complete.
Here's the steps I went through:
My first step: I moved the in-line html template to Javascript, which worked well including with Knockout.js:
'<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="DDLTmpl">' +
'<select data-bind="options:options(),value:$item.data.value,' +
'</select>' +
Second step: I loaded the same HTML from a separate file from the same domain and inserted it in the DOM:
url: '/somewhere/Tmpl.htm',
data: {},
success: function(data) {
$('<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="Tmpl" />').html(data)
dataType: 'html'
This succeeded, but caused Knockout to get an "illegal character" error ');if(typeof(\'$\' + fns.fM)!=='undefined' && (\'$\'
. Looking at the two templates in the DOM, one is encoded with this:
{{ko_code ((function() { return ko.templateRewriting.applyMemoizedBindings...
and the second appears as if the html were cut and pasted in the div as expected.
Do I need to pre-compile a template? How would I encode a template to work with Knockout.js?
My next step is to remove the jquery.tmpl.1.0.0pre.js dependency and use the native Knockout.js template engine (or doT.) I'm currently using Knockout 2.1.0.js.
Use the built in way of defining template sources instead, much easier.
Ryan has a good article on it, http://www.knockmeout.net/2011/10/ko-13-preview-part-3-template-sources.html
Or you can checkout how I did it for my KO Combobox binding