I want to delete a MMS message of a particular phone number in android. How can i do it? I am using content://mms-sms/conversations to get list of MMS messaged and tried with the following query:
Uri.parse("content://mms-sms/conversations/" + ThreadId),
"address=?", new String[] { "contact number" });`
But it works only for sms and not for mms. Can someone tell me what can we do to delete particular MMS?
Please check below detailed Tutorial link for Read,Write,Delete and update MMS in Android
MMS in Android. Part 2. Working with MMS storage
Also Try this
Uri msgUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Mms.Inbox.Content_Uri,"1");
SqliteWrapper.delete(this, getContentResolver(), msgUri, null, null); (or) getContentResolver().delete(msguri, null, null);
here is the method syntax
public static Uri withAppendedId (Uri contentUri, long id)
and Uri is the MMS inbox storage url in content provider
for example SMS Inbox Uri is "content://sms/inbox"
also read this page for MMS storage Uri info given here