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Filter(disabling) mouse wheel messages in a VisualCLX Form

I have inherited a Delphi 7 (VisualCLX) application to maintain and I want to filter some windows message like the mouse wheel (WM_MOUSEWHEEL) on the main form(TForm) of the application, is it possible on the Visual CLX ? How ?

I know that is possible on the VCL, but I'm looking for some solutions on the old Cross-Platform (CLX) ...


I need to disable the mousewheel event because it keeps changing the active page(TPageControl) and this is very annoying in Delphi with Component Library for Cross-Platform (CLX), so any other workaround that solve the problem is welcome ...


  • Filtering input messages in CLX is not simple. There appears to be nothing like the VCL's OnMessage.

    You can stop mouse wheel events being handled by CLX page controls with a simple interposer. Add this code to your main form, before the declaration of your main form class.

      TPageControl = class(QComCtrls.TPageControl)
        function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; 
          const MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;

    And then in the implementation section of the unit, add this:

    function TPageControl.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; 
      const MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
      Result := True;

    If you have a number of page controls on different forms then you should declare the interposer in a unit that can be shared by all the forms in your app. Or maybe even derive a proper grown-up sub-class.