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C math order of operation

I have an assignment that I have been working on. My code appears to have the correct math operations and in the correct order (at least sequence wise), but my answers are a little screwy. I get parts of each question right according to my input values, but never the same part(s) as input values change. Is there something about C order of operations that I am missing that is causing this?

I feel like the problem is at

intPeople = intCarCounter * intTrainCounter * CAR_CAPACITY;

For sample run #3 I get 120 people for the first two inputs (exactly 20 more than the correct answers) and the surplus number is what should be in sample run #4. On the third input I get 112 people which is again the correct answer for sample run #4. Finally, on sample run #4 I get 128 people (16 more than the correct answer) and the surplus number is what should be in sample run #3. Any ideas?


My Code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CAR_CAPACITY 4

int main(void)
    /* Initialize Variables */
    int intTrack,intMaxTrainSize,intActualTrainSize,intPeople,intCarCounter,intTrainCounter,n;

    /* Ask user for value of N */
    printf("What is the value for N?> ");
    for (int i=0; i<n;i++)
        /* Ask user for total length of track */
        printf("\nWhat is the total length of the track, in feet?> ");

        /* Ask user for maximum length of each train */
        printf("What is the maximum length of a train, in feet?> ");

        /* Set/Reset initial values of intActualTrainSize, intCarCounter and intTrainCounter */
        /* Each train will begin with FIRST_CAR_LENGTH -> intActualTrainSize=FIRST_CAR_LENGTH */
        /* Each train will begin with 1 car -> intCarCounter=1 */
        /* Train counter will begin at 0 -> intTrainCounter=0 */

        /* Continue to add additional cars using NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH until the maximum train size has been reached */
        /* Count how many NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH cars are added -> intCarCounter++*/
        while (intActualTrainSize < intMaxTrainSize)

        /* Count how many trains can be added until 25% of the track is used up -> intTrainCounter++ */
        while (intTrainCounter*intActualTrainSize < (int)(intTrack*.25)) 

        /* Count how many people can be on the track at one time -> intPeople = intCarCounter * intTrainCounter * CAR_CAPACITY */
        intPeople = intCarCounter * intTrainCounter * CAR_CAPACITY;
        printf("\nYour ride can have at most %d people on it at one time.",intPeople);

        if (intActualTrainSize>intMaxTrainSize)
            printf("\nMaximum Train Length has surplus of %d feet.\n",intActualTrainSize-intMaxTrainSize);
        else if (intMaxTrainSize==intActualTrainSize)
            printf("\nMaximum Length fits exactly.\n");
    return 0;


  • You used a loop to calcutate train counters and car counters, instead you could, as another alternative, use integer arithmetic to calculate those values. I have attached my solution which does not involve loops. It makes easier to debug. I am providing two versions. Version 1 sassumes integer division does no round-off. Version 2 is safer as it subtracts remainders before division.

        //VERSION 1:
        #include <stdio.h>
        #define FIRST_CAR_LENGTH 10
        #define NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH 8
        #define CAR_CAPACITY 4
        int main(void)
          int N, i;
          int trackSize;
          int trainSize;
          int numberPeople;
          int numberCars;
          int trainsPerTrack;
          int surplus;
          printf("What is the value for N?");
          scanf("%d", &N);
          for(i=0; i < N; i++)
             printf("What is the total length of the track, in feet?\n");
             scanf("%d", &trackSize);
             printf("What is the maximum length of a train, in feet?\n");
             scanf("%d", &trainSize);
             trainsPerTrack = trackSize / (4 * trainSize);
             numberCars = (trainSize -FIRST_CAR_LENGTH) / NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH + 1;
             numberPeople = trainsPerTrack * numberCars * CAR_CAPACITY;
             printf("Your ride can have at most %d people on it at one time.\n", numberPeople);
             surplus = (trainSize - FIRST_CAR_LENGTH) % NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH;
               printf("Maximum Train Length has surplus of %d feet\n\n", surplus);
               printf("Maximum Length fits exactly\n\n");
          return 0;
    VERSION 2:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define FIRST_CAR_LENGTH 10
    #define NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH 8
    #define CAR_CAPACITY 4
    int main(void)
      int N, i;
      int trackSize;
      int trainSize;
      int numberPeople;
      int numberCars;
      int trainsPerTrack;
      int surplus;
      printf("What is the value for N?");
      scanf("%d", &N);
      for(i=0; i < N; i++)
         printf("What is the total length of the track, in feet?\n");
         scanf("%d", &trackSize);
         printf("What is the maximum length of a train, in feet?\n");
         scanf("%d", &trainSize);
         trainsPerTrack = (trackSize- (trackSize % (4*trainSize))) / (4 * trainSize);
         int forSmallerCars = trainSize - FIRST_CAR_LENGTH;
         numberCars = (forSmallerCars - (forSmallerCars % NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH)) / NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH + 1;
         numberPeople = trainsPerTrack * numberCars * CAR_CAPACITY;
         printf("Your ride can have at most %d people on it at one time.\n", numberPeople);
         surplus = (trainSize - FIRST_CAR_LENGTH) % NORMAL_CAR_LENGTH;
           printf("Maximum Train Length has surplus of %d feet\n\n", surplus);
           printf("Maximum Length fits exactly\n\n");
      return 0;