When I run compass from anywhere besides Ruby's bin folder, it comes back with an error:
'compass' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Has this happened to anyone else? I read somewhere that maybe there needs to be a file in Windows32, compass.exe maybe, I'm not sure because there's nothing that says compass in there. Any ideas why the installation wasn't able to do it?
Also I should note that I'm using Windows 7 on a Mac via Parallels.
@djthoms's response worked, but as it turns out I had ruby installed incorrectly as I did not check the box that said "create ruby in the PATH" (or something to that extent), which makes 'ruby' a recognizable command.
Again, during the installation process of ruby to windows, you must check a box in order for the installation to work correctly - it is not already checked.