There are similar questions addressed here, such as this one, but I've already checked their answers and, after implementing them, javah
is still unable to find the javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.*;
I have my classpath (in eclipse) edited to include the Android SDK API 10 .jar file, so this should work. Is there an external environment variable I need to edit? I've already tried echoing out $CLASSPATH, which appears to be blank, so I have no idea what the issue is here,
and after exporting it to the location of my android.jar
file, it still doesn't work.
Thus, I'm at a loss here as of what to do.
What could be done to solve for this? It appears the only issue really is this library, and nothing else.
For android-ndk-r8b and windows 7( 64 bit ) you must write -bootclasspath and point exactly to android.jar file and optionally -classpath. for example:
javah -classpath bin/classes -bootclasspath "C:\android-sdk\platforms\android-8\android.jar" com.example.SanAngeles.DemoRenderer