The last connect on the Lithium Router:
Router::connect('/{:controller}/{:action}/{:args}', 'Main::end');
Should match all the routes? No? But instead of execute my Main::end method (who simply exit('with some text, for testing...')), Lithium give to me a dispatcher exception T_T:
lithium\action\DispatchException (code 404)
Controller `Sdsa` not found.
path_to_my_root/libraries/lithium/action/Dispatcher.php: 239
What i'm doing wrong?
Solved my self issue by using a standard regex:
Router::connect('/(.*)', 'Main::end');
that will process all the requests to Main::end.
As Nils says, my actual solution is not perfect because of the lack of 404 pages handling...
Because i'm trying to use Backbone.js, maybe i could handle the 404 pages client side like this: How to have a fallback route to catch unknown pages in backbone.js