I have a list control, and an item renderer. Within the item renderer, I have a text box for the quantity that the person wants of each item. On each qty update (focus in an focus out events on the text box), I am updating the values for the data. In the main program I show totals based on this.
The totalling code works correctly, however when I scroll the list the values show up all over the page. Attached is a screenshot of the values all jumbled up after a simple scroll down. Also, below is the complete item renderer. I have found alot of notes on the web about this but everything I try doesn't help!
Here is a link to the picture of the problem: Scrolling Error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer name="PlowResultsRenderer"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" >
import spark.events.TextOperationEvent;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import valueObjects.Tag;
import valueObjects.TagProjectItem;
import classes.QtyChangeEvent;
public var lineQty:Number;
public var lineList:Number;
public var lineDealerCost:Number;
public var textPlaceholder:String = "0";
override public function set data( value:Object ) : void {
super.data = value;
var thisItem:TagProjectItem = data as TagProjectItem;
if (thisItem.IsOnHand || thisItem.IsOnOrder)
currentState = "green";
}else if (thisItem.IsOnDealerFloorplan)
currentState = "white";
currentState = "red";
// #EEA2AD old red
lineList = Number(thisItem.ListPrice);
lineDealerCost = Number(thisItem.DealerCost);
lineQty = 0;
/*protected function dataChangeHandler(evt:Event):void {
var thisItem:TagProjectItem = data as TagProjectItem;
if (thisItem.IsOnHand || thisItem.IsOnOrder)
currentState = "green";
}else if (thisItem.IsOnDealerFloorplan)
currentState = "white";
currentState = "red";
// #EEA2AD old red
lblModelNumber.text = thisItem.ModelNumber;
//lblListPrice.text = America.format(thisItem.ListPrice);
lblListPrice.text = America.format(thisItem.PromoPrice);
lblSWDescription.text = thisItem.SWDescription;
lblSWCategory.text = thisItem.SWCategory;
lineList = Number(thisItem.ListPrice);
lineDealerCost = Number(thisItem.DealerCost);
lineQty = 0;
protected function doFocusIn(event:FocusEvent):void
textPlaceholder = txtQty.text;
if (textPlaceholder == "0"){
txtQty.text = "1";
protected function doFocusOut(event:FocusEvent):void
if (txtQty.text != textPlaceholder){
//here the text has been changed.
var changeEvent:QtyChangeEvent = new QtyChangeEvent(QtyChangeEvent.CHANGE, Number(txtQty.text) - Number(textPlaceholder), lineDealerCost, lineList);
textPlaceholder = "0";
if (txtQty.text == ""){
txtQty.text = "0";
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<mx:CurrencyFormatter id="America" precision="2"
<s:State name="green" />
<s:State name="white" />
<s:State name="red" />
<s:HorizontalLayout gap="0"
paddingTop="1" paddingBottom="1"
verticalAlign="middle" />
<s:Panel skinClass="PanelNoTitleBar" horizontalCenter="0" width="100%">
<s:Rect id="rect" width="100%">
<s:SolidColor color.green="#C1FFC1" color.red="#FFC1C1" color.white="#FFEC8B">
<s:HGroup width="100%">
<s:Label text="Qty" paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="8" paddingTop="4" paddingBottom="1" >
<s:TextInput id="txtQty" width="34" height="30"
fontSize="11" maxChars="3" restrict="0-9" softKeyboardType="number"
widthInChars="3" text="{lineQty}"
focusIn="doFocusIn(event)" focusOut="doFocusOut(event)">
<s:VGroup width="100%">
<s:HGroup width="100%">
<s:Label id="lblModelNumber" text="{data.ModelNumber}" paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="4" paddingBottom="1" />
<s:Spacer width="100%">
<s:Label text="List Price: " paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="8" paddingTop="4" paddingBottom="1" />
<s:Label id="lblListPrice" text="{America.format(data.PromoPrice)}" textAlign="right" fontWeight="bold" paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="8" paddingTop="4" paddingBottom="1" />
<s:Label id="lblSWCategory" text="{data.SWCategory}" paddingLeft="11" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="1" paddingBottom="1" />
<s:Label id="lblSWDescription" text="{data.SWDescription}" paddingLeft="11" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="1" paddingBottom="4" textAlign="right" />
Is this an iOS application? If so, there is a bug with the scrolling of native text controls. The following should fix it:
@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
@namespace local "*";
s|TextInput {
skinClass: ClassReference("spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin");
s|TextArea {
skinClass: ClassReference("spark.skins.mobile.TextAreaSkin");