I can't find why I get the following error in my view when using any method that has_many provides to its collection (such as 'where') :
NameError in History/hist_paquets_mesures#show Showing /var/www-opf/opf/app/views/history/hist_paquets_mesures/show.html.haml where line #19 raised: uninitialized constant HistPaquetMesures::HistVersionsPaquetsMesure
The part of my (HAML) view causing this issue :
// I want to make this work
//= @hist_paquet_mesures.hist_versions_paquets_mesures.where(:hist_origine_modification == nil).first.version
// So I debug with this, which is causing the same error
= debug @hist_paquet_mesures.hist_versions_paquets_mesures
I set up an exception for the special singular-plural names that I use in config/initializers/inflections.rb :
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.irregular 'pub_liste_horizon', 'pub_listes_horizon'
inflect.irregular 'hist_paquet_mesures', 'hist_paquets_mesures'
inflect.irregular 'hist_projet_connexe', 'hist_projets_connexes'
inflect.irregular 'hist_version_paquet_mesures', 'hist_versions_paquets_mesures'
inflect.irregular 'hist_origine_modification', 'hist_origines_modification'
Pluralize , singularize and classify methods are working as expected on rails console :
"hist_versions_paquets_mesures".singularize => "hist_version_paquet_mesures"
"hist_versions_paquets_mesures".classify => "HistVersionPaquetMesures"
"hist_version_paquet_mesures".pluralize => "hist_versions_paquets_mesures"
My app/model/hist_paquet_mesures.rb model :
class HistPaquetMesures < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :pub_indice
belongs_to :pub_liste_horizon
belongs_to :admin_utilisateur
has_many :hist_versions_paquets_mesures
My app/model/hist_version_paquet_mesures.rb model :
class HistVersionPaquetMesures < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :hist_paquet_mesures
belongs_to :pub_modification
belongs_to :vers_origine, :class_name => 'HistOrigineModification', :foreign_key => 'hist_origine_modification_id'
# polymorphic association
has_one :comme_origine, :class_name => 'HistOrigineModification', as: :hist_origine
My app/controllers/history/hist_paquets_mesures_controller.rb controller :
class History::HistPaquetsMesuresController < ApplicationController
def show
@hist_paquet_mesures = HistPaquetMesures.find_by_id(params[:id])
respond_with(:history, @hist_paquet_mesures)
The weird thing is where the "s" go in "HistVersionsPaquetsMesure" of the error message : HistPaquetMesures::HistVersionsPaquetsMesure
Shouldn't it be HistPaquetMesures::HistVersionPaquetMesures ? Why do I have this result ?
Any help is welcome
It's a BUG !
I opened an issue on this case. It seems the problem comes from ActiveSupport library. To get the class name it performs a "camelize.singularize". As my inflections are defined with underscore, the expected result is incorrect. It would have worked if the library had performed a "singularize.camelize".
Workaround : add another irregular inflection with camelized syntax.