I'm using an API generated by Sudzc.com from a WDSL. I have this method:
- (SoapRequest*) getToolListAsXML: (id <SoapDelegate>) handler getEmptyFC: (BOOL) getEmptyFC repoid: (NSString* ) repoid
And I thought that It calls the webservice and receive an XML as string as the documentation generated by sudzc.com told me:
But I really don't know how the SoapDelegate works, if I want the response (the list as string) what I'm supposed to do? The examples are more confusing, it says:
But, obviously,
NSString resp = [service getToolListAsXML:self action:@selector(getToolListAsXMLHandler:) getEmptyFC: NO repoid: @""];
doesn't work because of 'incompatible pointer types..."
I'm very new on this so sorry if what I'm saying has nonsense. Thanks.
Try this
[service getToolListAsXML:self action:@selector(getToolListAsXMLHandler:) getEmptyFC: NO repoid: @""]
- (void) getToolListAsXMLHandler: (id) value {
if([value isKindOfClass:[NSError class]]) {
//NSLog(@"%@", value);
// Handle faults
if([value isKindOfClass:[SoapFault class]]) {
//NSLog(@"%@", value);
NSString * resp =(NSString *)value;
you will get soap request in string