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self:: in PHP5.2

How to make this backwards compatible with PHP5.2? It works on 5.3 and later


Fatal error: Cannot call method self::utf8_dec() or method does not exist


private function utf8_decode($arr){
    array_walk_recursive($arr, 'self::utf8_dec'); // <----- error

    return $arr;

private function utf8_dec(&$value, $key){
    $value = utf8_decode($value);


  • Instead of self, you can use the name of the class directly. It's not as flexible but it should work.

    static private function utf8_decode($arr){
        array_walk_recursive($arr, 'YourClass::utf8_dec');
        return $arr;
    static private function utf8_dec(&$value, $key){
        $value = utf8_decode($value);

    Also you need to prefix the methods with the static keyword.