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How to set up basic grey lined background in my iOS app?

Possible Duplicate:
How can I get the pinstripe background to show?

I like the background in default iOS apps - the grey background with vertical lines. But I can't find it in any of the background settings for views. Is it just an image? Or is there any way to access it to use in my apps?


  • I believe you're looking for this:

    + (UIColor *)groupTableViewBackgroundColor

    Further info here:

    (see System Colors)

    Example usage:

    myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor];


    Okay, seems Apple have deprecated the use of the above call, as per the UIInterface.h file:

    // Group style table view backgrounds can no longer be represented by a simple color.

    // If you want to have a background in your own view that looks like the table view background,

    // then you should create an empty table view and place it behind your content.

    + (UIColor *)groupTableViewBackgroundColor; // This method will be deprecated during the 6.0 seed program

    Looks like you'll have to do as Apple have suggested in their comments above.