The following numbers are the path points of a very simple curve from Adobe InDesign:
pathPoint0 = app.selection[0].paths[0].pathPoints[0] // PointType: SMOOTH
pathPoint1 = app.selection[0].paths[0].pathPoints[1] // PointType: PLAIN
pathPoint0.leftDirection : {x=87.32570997045623, y=30.81406367905744}
pathPoint0.anchor : {x=67.69218412206757, y=134.53280706833522}
pathPoint0.rightDirection : {x=48.0586582736789, y=238.25155045761298}
pathPoint1.anchor : {117.05865827421783, 143.2515504576449}
The curve contains 2 path points, an smooth point and a plain point.
InDesign simple curve:
I am trying to draw this curve by this code:
MoveToEx(hDC, 67, 134, NULL);
POINT points[] = {{87, 30}, {48, 238}, {117, 143}};
PolyBezierTo(hDC, points, 3);
But I can not draw same curve, my drawn curve is:
Where is my mistake? Is any conversion need?
MoveToEx(hDC, 67, 134, NULL);
POINT points[] = {{87, 30}, {48, 238}, {117, 143}};
Your first point is 67,134 your second is 87,30 and your third 48,238.
With Y values of 134 then 30 then 238, I'd expect about what you seem to be getting -- a line that goes one direction, then sharply back in about the opposite direction.
The first point you're getting from InDesign is a "direction" point -- but for PolyBezier, the first and last points are the anchors. I'm not absolutely certain, but I think what you want is to rearrange the points so your anchors come first and last, and InDesign's "direction" points are used as the two control points in between:
POINT points[] = {{87, 30}, {67, 134}, {48,238}, {117, 143}};
// anchor, control, control, anchor
PolyBezier(hDC, points, 4);
Unless you're using MoveTo/LineTo (and such) otherwise, I'd just PolyBezier instead of PolyBezierTo -- keeps all the data in one place.