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Command line program to create website screenshots (on Linux)

What is a good command line tool to create screenshots of websites on Linux? I need to automatically generate screenshots of websites without human interaction. The only tool that I found was khtml2png, but I wonder if there are others that aren't based on khtml (i.e. have good JavaScript support, ...).


  • A little more detail might be useful...

    Start a firefox (or other browser) in an X session, either on your console or using a vncserver. You can use the --height and --width options to set the size of the window to full screen. Another firefox command can be used to set the URL being displayed in the first firefox window. Now you can grab the screen image with one of several commands, such as the "import" command from the Imagemagick package, or using gimp, or fbgrab, or xv.

    # start a server with a specific DISPLAY
    vncserver :11 -geometry 1024x768
    # start firefox in this vnc session
    firefox --display :11
    # read URLs from a data file in a loop
    while read url
        # send URL to the firefox session
        firefox --display :11 $url
        # take a picture after waiting a bit for the load to finish
        sleep 5
        import -window root image$count.jpg
        count=`expr $count + 1`
    done < url_list.txt
    # clean up when done
    vncserver -kill :11