how can I set the card size in a layout view? I have googled a lot, but found nothing useful.
Please see the image below. I would like to increase the size of the images (the size mode of the pictureedit control is set to squeeze)
One more question: how can I hide the up-down button in a cell?
The LayoutView.CardMinSize property specifies a card's minimum size. A card can have a larger size if individual field sizes are not fixed and are therefore variable in size, depending on their contents.
Related example: How to create and customize a LayoutView in code
You can hide up-down (field sort buttons) using a column's OptionsColumn.AllowSort option.
P.S. I believe the best way to get guaranteed assistance with any DevExpress controls is contacting with DevExpress Support directly. Note that FULL SUPPORT IS FREE during the evaluation period (30 days).