Is kqueue (on OS X) useful for reading/writing regular files? I know that epoll is not useful for regular files on Linux, so I'm wondering if the same is true for kqueue.
EDIT: I don't mean reading/writing files, obviously read() and write() are for that. I meant, "is kqueue actually useful for detecting when a file is readable/writable?"
Yes, kqueue can be used to watch files for readability. From the man page:
EVFILT_READ Takes a file descriptor as the identifier, and returns
whenever there is data available to read. The behavior
of the filter is slightly different depending on the
descriptor type.
Returns when the file pointer is not at the end of
file. data contains the offset from current posi-
tion to end of file, and may be negative.
("vnodes", in this context, are regular files.)
As regular files are always writable, it makes no sense to apply EVFILT_WRITE
to them.