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AnimationDrawable create an infinite Loop

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I am using AnimationDrawable to create a Frame by Frame effect, I want to when the images changes, the circle dot change together, my code create a infinite loop, if I get off While(mframeAnimation.isRunning()) then it just check the value one time and stop.


So what should I do to create an infinite check, a listener or something like that to change the circle when image changes?

 private void selectDot(int arg2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            for(int i=0;i<imageView.length;i++){
              if(i==arg2) imageView[i].setImageResource(R.drawable.black_circle);
              else imageView[i].setImageResource(R.drawable.gray_circle);

        class Starter implements Runnable {
            public void run() {
                    // Get the frame of the animation
                    Drawable currentFrame, checkFrame;
                    currentFrame = mframeAnimation.getCurrent();

                    int frameNumber;
                    // Checks the position of the frame
                    for (int i = 0; i < mframeAnimation.getNumberOfFrames(); i++) {
                        checkFrame = mframeAnimation.getFrame(i);
                        if (checkFrame == currentFrame) {
                            frameNumber = i;
    //                      Toast.makeText(getActivity(), Integer.toString(frameNumber), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


  • This the ViewFlipper that i applied tp get my carousel effect, i tweaked the animation a bit to make it fit what i want exactly. So yes ViewFlipper is your answer.