I've seen many solutions for editing Artist and Album info, etc, but is there a way to edit the lyrics in mp3 id3 data? There are softwares for this, but I'm asking if there's a way to program this in c#. Let's say I have the lyrics in text files for all of my music files, how do I put them into the mp3 files?
There is no internal built-in solution for this, you will have to use an external library such as these:
The latter looks more complete and feature rich.
For example, to get the lyrics of a file:
string[] mp3Files = Directory.GetFiles(_mp3Directory, "*.mp3");
InfoProvider chartLyricsProvider = new ChartLyricsInfoProvider();
InfoProvider lyrDbLyricsProvider = new LyrDbInfoProvider();
foreach (string mp3File in mp3Files)
Id3Tag tag;
using (var mp3 = new Mp3File(mp3File))
tag = mp3.GetTag(Id3TagFamily.FileStartTag);
if (tag == null)
if (!tag.Artists.IsAssigned || !tag.Title.IsAssigned)
Console.WriteLine(" ({0} - {1})", tag.Artists.Values[0], tag.Title.Value);
Id3Tag[] lyricsTags = GetLyrics(tag, chartLyricsProvider, lyrDbLyricsProvider);
if (lyricsTags == null || lyricsTags.Length == 0)
string outputFilename = string.Format("{0} - {1}.txt", tag.Artists.Values[0], tag.Title.Value);
string outputFile = Path.Combine(_outputDirectory, outputFilename);
using (var lyricsWriter = new StreamWriter(outputFile, false))
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", outputFilename);
I am sure that after looking through the docs of both those libraries, you can find how to assign lyrics.