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Ember - Automatically redirect to firstObject

I'd like an Ember path /clinic/1 to automatically redirect to show the first doctor: /clinic/1/doctor/1.

Each clinic has many doctors.

Unfortunately if I use this code:

var doctor = clinicController.get('content.doctors.firstObject');
router.transitionTo('', doctor);

... it does not work, as content.doctors.length is still 0 when this code runs in app_router.js.

Any ideas?


  • You should be able to do this:

    App.DoctorsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function() {
        return App.Doctor.find();
      redirect: function() {
        var doctor = this.modelFor('doctors').get('firstObject');
        this.transitionToRoute('doctor', doctor);

    This will work because:

    • If the model hook returns an object that hasn't loaded yet, the rest of the hooks won't run until the model is fully loaded.
    • If the redirect hook transitions to another route, the rest of the hooks won't run.

    Note that as of 2426cb9, you can leave off the implicit .index when transitioning.