i'm new to zend framework, in this simple function i want to get a single 'post' and then i want to find all the comments in the related table
public function getPost($idPost)
$db= Zend_Registry::get('db');
->from($this->_name, '*')
->where("idPost= ".$db->quote($idPost, 'INTEGER'));
//ora devo aggiungerci i commenti che questo post ha ricevuto
$ris=array($post, $comm);
return $ris;
in my index controller i i simply call this function, but i get this error:
Call to a member function current() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\...
where's the mistake?
I think you have a few misconceptions about how you're using Zend_Db.
Which means, your queries won't return Zend rowsets and rows and therefore you can't use the methods of you can use on those.
The default fetch mode of the Zend_Db_Statement fetchAll() method is array, if you want it to return an object (stdClass), change the fetch mode before fetching the data:
If you just want one row, then don't fetch a whole table! With Zend_Db_Statement, use for example:
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$rowObj = $stmt->fetchObject();
... again, that's not a zend row object, just a stdClass instance, but you can do:
on it.
On the other hand, if this is a method in your Post model, it should look something like:
public function getPost($idPost)
return $this->getRow($idPost);
This will return the post, then, if you've setup the table relationships correctly, you can also query for the dependent data or just get all comments with that id separately.