I am trying to install cloud foundry tool:vmc on my mac(10.8.2). In the terminal, I inputed this command, but get back the error:
ERROR: Error installing vmc: vmc requires multi_json (~> 1.4.0, runtime)*
Then I check the version of Multi_json in my mac, it seems already been installed with 1.5.0:
$ gem list multi_json
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
multi_json (1.5.0)*
I don't know why it will get the error in vmc install, anyone meet the same problem?
~> 1.4.0
means >= 1.4.0 and < 1.5.0
Since there is not > 1.4.0 just install the 1.4.0 version with
sudo gem install multi_json --version 1.4.0
Notice that this can crash some other gems. Installing gems system wide is bad, but I guess you are not developing in ruby right? So you should be ok with this