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Find all the paths forming simple cycles on an undirected graph

I am having some trouble writing an algorithm that returns all the paths forming simple cycles on an undirected graph.

I am considering at first all cycles starting from a vertex A, which would be, for the graph below


Additional cycles would be


but these could be found, for example, by calling the same algorithm again but starting from B and from D, respectively.

The graph is shown below -

enter image description here

My current approach is to build all the possible paths from A by visiting all the neighbors of A, and then the neighbors of the neightbors and so on, while following these rules:

  • each time that more than one neighbor exist, a fork is found and a new path from A is created and explored.

  • if any of the created paths visits the original vertex, that path is a cycle.

  • if any of the created paths visits the same vertex twice (different from A) the path is discarded.

  • continue until all possible paths have been explored.

I am currently having problems trying to avoid the same cycle being found more than once, and I am trying to solve this by looking if the new neighbor is already part of another existing path so that the two paths combined (if independent) build up a cycle.

My question is: Am I following the correct/better/simpler logic to solve this problem.?

I would appreciate your comments


  • Based on the answer of @eminsenay to other question, I used the elementaryCycles library developed by Frank Meyer, from web_at_normalisiert_dot_de which implements the algorithms of Johnson.

    However, since this library is for directed graphs, I added some routines to:

    • build the adjacency matrix from a JGraphT undirected graph (needed by Meyer's lib)
    • filter the results to avoid cycles of length 2
    • delete repeated cycles, since Meyer's lib is for directed graphs, and each undirected cycle is two directed cycles (one on each direction).

    The code is

    package test;
    import java.util.*;
    import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultEdge;
    import org.jgrapht.UndirectedGraph;
    import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleGraph;
    public class GraphHandling<V> {
    private UndirectedGraph<V,DefaultEdge>     graph;
    private List<V>                         vertexList;
    private boolean                         adjMatrix[][];
    public GraphHandling() {
        this.graph             = new SimpleGraph<V, DefaultEdge>(DefaultEdge.class);
        this.vertexList     = new ArrayList<V>();
    public void addVertex(V vertex) {
    public void addEdge(V vertex1, V vertex2) {
        this.graph.addEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
    public UndirectedGraph<V, DefaultEdge> getGraph() {
        return graph;
    public List<List<V>>     getAllCycles() {
        V[] vertexArray                 = (V[]) this.vertexList.toArray();
        ElementaryCyclesSearch     ecs     = new ElementaryCyclesSearch(this.adjMatrix, vertexArray);
        List<List<V>>             cycles0    = ecs.getElementaryCycles();
        // remove cycles of size 2
        Iterator<List<V>>         listIt    = cycles0.iterator();
        while(listIt.hasNext()) {
            List<V> cycle =;
            if(cycle.size() == 2) {
        // remove repeated cycles (two cycles are repeated if they have the same vertex (no matter the order)
        List<List<V>> cycles1             = removeRepeatedLists(cycles0);
        for(List<V> cycle : cycles1) {
        return cycles1;
    private void buildAdjancyMatrix() {
        Set<DefaultEdge>     edges        = this.graph.edgeSet();
        Integer             nVertex     = this.vertexList.size();
        this.adjMatrix                     = new boolean[nVertex][nVertex];
        for(DefaultEdge edge : edges) {
            V v1     = this.graph.getEdgeSource(edge);
            V v2     = this.graph.getEdgeTarget(edge);
            int     i = this.vertexList.indexOf(v1);
            int     j = this.vertexList.indexOf(v2);
            this.adjMatrix[i][j]     = true;
            this.adjMatrix[j][i]     = true;
    /* Here repeated lists are those with the same elements, no matter the order, 
     * and it is assumed that there are no repeated elements on any of the lists*/
    private List<List<V>> removeRepeatedLists(List<List<V>> listOfLists) {
        List<List<V>> inputListOfLists         = new ArrayList<List<V>>(listOfLists);
        List<List<V>> outputListOfLists     = new ArrayList<List<V>>();
        while(!inputListOfLists.isEmpty()) {
            // get the first element
            List<V> thisList     = inputListOfLists.get(0);
            // remove it
            // look for duplicates
            Integer             nEl     = thisList.size();
            Iterator<List<V>>     listIt    = inputListOfLists.iterator();
            while(listIt.hasNext()) {
                List<V>     remainingList     =;
                if(remainingList.size() == nEl) {
                    if(remainingList.containsAll(thisList)) {
        return outputListOfLists;