When I navigate through UIPageViewController
faster than its transition animation I am getting 'Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <MyDataViewController>
' and one of the two views in landscape isn't shown until I try to turn the page.
Anybody has an idea to solve this bug?
Solved following these steps:
1- Declare a flag to indicate that the animation has finished or not:
BOOL pageAnimationFinished;
2- Set this flag to true in viewDidLoad:
pageAnimationFinished = YES;
3- Disable tapGesture for the pageViewController and assign 'self' to panGestureRecognizer delegate:
for (UIGestureRecognizer * gesRecog in self.pageViewController.gestureRecognizers)
if ([gesRecog isKindOfClass:[UITapGestureRecognizer class]])
gesRecog.enabled = NO;
else if ([gesRecog isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]])
gesRecog.delegate = self;
4- Allow/Disallow panGestureRecognizer through the following gesture recognizer delegate method:
-(BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
if ([gestureRecognizer isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]] && ([gestureRecognizer.view isEqual:self.view] || [gestureRecognizer.view isEqual:self.pageViewController.view]))
UIPanGestureRecognizer * panGes = (UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer;
if(!pageAnimationFinished || (currentPage < minimumPage && [panGes velocityInView:self.view].x < 0) || (currentPage > maximumPage && [panGes velocityInView:self.view].x > 0))
return NO;
pageAnimationFinished = NO;
return YES;
5- Add the following pageViewController delegate method:
- (void)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController didFinishAnimating:(BOOL)finished previousViewControllers:(NSArray *)previousViewControllers transitionCompleted:(BOOL)completed
pageAnimationFinished = YES;