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Problems Installing TideSDK Developer Mac and Linux

So, today I spent the day trying to install TideSDK and the Developer app.

After getting it to run on the mac, I find that it won't do anything: The new project and the import buttons didn't do anything.

After that, I tried installing it on my 'virtual machined' ubuntu. And now I can't install it at all. I keep getting the error (Raised by an exception in the line 139 on the file from the sdk): Exception: Could not find SDK Version 1.3.1-Beta.

I copied the sdk to the home folder and the root on Ubuntu and I copied it to the user side library on the mac, neither worked.

Now I don't have more ideas and I really wanted to make this working. Any ideas?


  • It seems that you are not unpacking the archive into the directory. Do this using unzip with the -d option:

    unzip -d ~/Library/Application Support/TideSDK

    It should be as simple as that. You will have modules, runtime and sdk in this folder afterwards:

    ├── TideSDK
        ├── modules
        ├── runtime
        ├── sdk