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Avoid Race Condition Creating StorageFolder

I am unit testing a new Win8 Store app and noticed a race condition I want to avoid. So I am looking for a way to avoid this race condition.

I have a class that when instantiated calls a method to be sure it has a local StorageFolder. My unit test simply instantiates the object and tests if the folder is there. Sometime the folder is not and sometimes it is so I believe this to be a race condition because the CreateFolderAsync is asynchronous (obviously).

public class Class1
    StorageFolder _localFolder = null;

    public Class1()
        _localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;

    public StorageFolder _LocalFolder
            return _localFolder;


    async void _setUpStorageFolders()
            _localFolder = await _localFolder.CreateFolderAsync("TestFolder", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);

        catch (Exception)

My Unit Test Looks Like This:

    public void _LocalFolder_Test()
        Class1 ke = new Class1();

        // TODO: Fix Race Condition 
        StorageFolder folder = ke._LocalFolder;

        string folderName = folder.Name;

        Assert.IsTrue(folderName == "TestFolder");



  • As Iboshuizen suggested, I would do this synchronously. This can be done with async, task, and await. There is a gotcha - the setup cannot be done inside the constructor of Class1 because constructors do not support async/ await. Because of this SetUpStorageFolders is now public, and is called from the test method.

    public class Class1
        StorageFolder _localFolder = null;
        public Class1()
            _localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                    // call to setup removed here because constructors
                    // do not support async/ await keywords
        public StorageFolder _LocalFolder
                return _localFolder;
          // now public... (note Task return type)
        async public Task SetUpStorageFolders()
                _localFolder = await _localFolder.CreateFolderAsync("TestFolder", CreationCollisionOption.FailIfExists);
            catch (Exception)


     // note the signature change here (async + Task)
        async public Task _LocalFolder_Test()
            Class1 ke = new Class1();
            // synchronous call to SetupStorageFolders - note the await
            await ke.SetUpStorageFolders();
            StorageFolder folder = ke._LocalFolder;
            string folderName = folder.Name;
            Assert.IsTrue(folderName == "TestFolder");