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How to get results of stored procedure #1 into a temporary table in stored procedure #2

I am trying to combine the results of several stored procedures into a single temporary table. The results of the various stored procedures have the same column structure. Essentially, I would like to UNION ALL the results of the various stored procedures. A significant fact: each of the stored procedures creates a temporary table to store its data and the results each returns are based on a select against the temporary table:

create proc SP1    
 .  <snip>
 select * from #tmp   -- a temporary table

Noting that select * from OPENQUERY(server, 'exec SP1') does not work if the select in SP1 is against a temporary table (see this question for details), is there another way for a different stored proc, SP2, to get the results of executing SP1 into a temporary table?

  create proc SP2 as
  -- put results of executing SP1 into a temporary table:

NOTE: SP1 cannot be modified (e.g. to store its results in a temporary table with session scope).


  • Create your temporary table such that it fits the results of your stored procedures.

    Assuming your temp. table is called "#MySuperTempTable", you would do something like this...

    INSERT INTO #MySuperTempTable (Column1, Column2)
    EXEC SP1

    That should do the trick.