Consider the following business entity class. In order to validate itself, it needs to know something about the state of the database, perhaps to prevent a conflict of some kind. So, it has a dependency on the data access layer in order to retrieve this data.
Is it a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle to have a class that encapsulates state, validates the state, and accesses a data store to do so?
class MyBusinessObject
private readonly IDataStore DataStore;
public MyBusinessObject(IDataStore dataStore)
this.DataStore = dataStore;
public virtual int? Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
// ... Other properties...
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate()
var data = this.DataStore.GetDataThatInfluencesValidation();
return this.ValidateUsing(data);
// ... ValidateUsing method would be in here somewhere ...
It's throwing a red flag for me because:
I'm starting to think I should use an anemic/DTO type of object for NHibernate to use, and wrap that inside something else that knows all the business rules AND can access a data store if it depends on one. Now that I've typed up my question and title, StackOverflow has suggested some interesting resources: here and here.
My question also looks very similar to this one, but I thought I'd ask it in a different way that more closely matches my situation.
"Is it a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle to have a class that encapsulates state, validates the state, and accesses a data store to do so?" -- You listed three responsibilities so I'm going to answer yes.
The difficulty with validation is that it depends on context. For example, creating a customer record might require just their name but selling them a product requires payment information and a shipping address.
IN MVC, I do low level (data sizes and nullability) validation using data annotations in view models. More complex validation is done using the specification pattern. The specification pattern is easy to implement and flexible.