Suppose you need to create a 'top' of some sort and have code like this:
foreach ($array as $v){
This will output a Notice: Undefined index
for the cases the index needs creating.
What would be the best way to tackle these cases since you KNOW you'll have to create indexes?
I used these solutions depending on case:
Are there any other ways?
Looking for the fastest execution time as I'm using this function thousands of times or some lazier way to type that's still faster than @
In a simple case where you have $matches[$v]++;
you could also use array_count_values()
(as Yoshi suggested)
After some reading, writing and testing I got something:
function inc(&$var){
if (isset($var)) $var++;else $var=1;
and thought I struck gold, but let's see the tests first...
// Pre-Fill array code goes here
for($i=1;$i<100000;$i++) {
//increment code goes here
// Remove extra keys from array with:
//foreach ($a as $k=>$v) if ($v==0) unset($a[$k]);
Execution times: (for informative purposes only)
inc($a[$r]) 1.15-1.24
@$a[$r]++ 1.03-1.09
$a[$r]=array_key_exists($r,$a)?$a[$r]++:1; 0.99-1.04
$a[$r]=!empty($a[$r])?$a[$r]++:1; 0.61-0.74
if (!empty($a[$r])) $a[$r]++;else $a[$r]=1; 0.59-0.67
$a[$r]=isset($a[$r])?$a[$r]++:1; 0.57-0.65
if (isset($a[$r])) $a[$r]++;else $a[$r]=1; 0.56-0.64
//with pre-fill
$a=array_fill(0,30000,0); +0.07(avg)
for($i=1;$i<=30000;$a[$i++]=0); -0.04(avg)
//with pre-fill and unset
$a=array_fill(0,45000,0); +0.16(avg)
for($i=1;$i<=45000;$a[$i++]=0); +0.02(avg)
is of course the fastest to type and I don't see any problem in using it in this case but feel free to check this question also: Suppress error with @ operator in PHPini_set()
is worse than all on performanceinc()
looks nice and clean, easy to type and does checking instead of suppressing, but calling it looks to be even slower than @
is slightly faster than empty()
, but both perform fairly the sameif
statements is slightly slower!array_fill()
takes slightly longer than for
?!?!I don't consider this answer 100% complete, although, for now it looks like isset()
is the fastest and @
the laziest.
Any comments and ideas are appreciated!