I have the following nested set.
The cat.table:
cat.ID Name Lft Rgt
1 A 1 8
2 B 2 5
3 C 3 4
4 D 6 7
5 E 9 14
6 F 10 11
7 G 12 13
OUTPUT: In brackets the count of the items. (In 'A' will count that items, which are in its node, too - B, C and D)
A (7)
-B (3)
--C (2)
-D (1)
E (3)
-F (1)
-G (2)
The Items table:
ID Cat.ID Name
1 1 item1
2 2 item2
3 2 item3
4 2 item4
5 3 item5
6 3 item6
7 4 item7
8 6 item8
9 7 item9
10 7 item10
If I select the Cat A than I would like to select that items which are in the B, C and D, too. If I select the B, than show the item from B and C. If I select the F than only show from F... In the Items table I don't have left and right values only tha Cat.ID.
How do I know that if I select the "A" category, which items are in "B", "C" and "D" too?
EDIT: E.g: If I select B than show the items from B and C (the B is parent of C and C is node of B) - output:
The answer is in the Retrieving a full tree paragraph of the linked article.
SELECT Id,Name FROM Items WHERE cat_id IN (
SELECT cat_id
FROM category AS node,
category AS parent
WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
AND parent.name = 'A')