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How to 'tell database "My Database"' using Scripting Bridge?

Following Rob Napier's Scripting Bridge tutorial, I was able to set up the generated header for the Database Events app, /System/Library/CoreServices/Database I am now trying to use Scripting Bridge to perform the equivalent of tell database "My Database".

The corresponding AppleScript that I am trying to run via Scripting Bridge is:

tell application "Database Events"
    tell database "My Database"
        -- ...
    end tell
end tell

But how do I do this in Scripting Bridge?

The generated header contains:

// An application's top level scripting object.
@interface DatabaseEventsApplication : SBApplication
+ (DatabaseEventsApplication *) application;

- (SBElementArray *) documents;
- (SBElementArray *) windows;

@property (readonly) BOOL frontmost;  // Is this the frontmost (active) application?
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // The name of the application.
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *version;  // The version of the application.

- (DatabaseEventsDocument *) open:(NSURL *)x;  // Open an object.
- (void) print:(NSURL *)x printDialog:(BOOL)printDialog withProperties:(DatabaseEventsPrintSettings *)withProperties;  // Print an object.
- (void) quitSaving:(DatabaseEventsSavo)saving;  // Quit an application.



@interface DatabaseEventsDocument : DatabaseEventsItem

@property (readonly) BOOL modified;  // Has the document been modified since the last save?
@property (copy) NSString *name;  // The document's name.
@property (copy) NSString *path;  // The document's path.



@interface DatabaseEventsDatabase : DatabaseEventsItem

- (SBElementArray *) records;

@property (copy, readonly) NSURL *location;  // the folder that contains the database
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // the name of the database



@interface DatabaseEventsApplication (DatabaseEventsSuite)

- (SBElementArray *) databases;

@property NSInteger quitDelay;  // the time in seconds the application will idle before quitting; if set to zero, idle time will not cause the application to quit


Do I need to use the open: method? Search through databases? Something else?


  • I found that using the objectWithName: method of SBElementArray worked:

    DatabaseEventsApplication *dbevApp = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    DatabaseEventsDatabase *db = [[dbevApp databases] objectWithName:@"My Database"];

    UPDATE: This was for a small project that I have posted to GitHub: