I have to create a single command to create multiple(dev|qa|uat) war/ear. Something like :
ant -f build.xml -Denv=dev|qa|uat -propertyfile= devProp|qaProp|uatProp
I already have different properties file, different staging, deploying target for each environment. I also have different .cmd files to build each of them separately.
What I am stuck at is: How do I build them all in one go?
You can use the <subant />
instruction in your target.
Write down a new ant script (namely master.xml), assuming that your original build is in script build.xml, you can have something like:
<target name="build-all">
<subant target="build-prod">
<fileset dir="." includes="build.xml"/>
<propertyset ......../> <!-- properties for the prod build -->
<subant target="build-dev">
<fileset dir="." includes="build.xml"/>
<propertyset ......../> <!-- properties for the dev build -->