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Set listItem text color in C# code

I have a listBox, which obviously get filled up with list items through data binding. As you'll also probably know is that you specify what a listItem would look like with a listItem template tag like so:

    <TextBlock Name="lblName" Text="{Binding Name}" Foreground="black" />

Notice that the Foreground is black on the listItems Textbloxk...

Now in my C# code I'd like to dynamically set each listItems Textblock Foreground to which ever color I want. How does one reference a specific listItems Textblock and set the Foreground of it?

If any more info is needed, please ask! Thanks in advance!


  • A better and easier solution would be to add a property to your items of type SolidColorBrush representing the color, lets call id ForegroundColor and use a binding

        <TextBlock Name="lblName" Text="{Binding Name}" Foreground="{Binding ForegroundColor}" />