I use GXT (sencha version 3.0.1)
I have grid like this:
When I select second Column and try to move next Column use Tab Key to move and its works fine, but when I select any value from combo and after try to move next Column its go somewhere else (outside of grid).
what to do? I need to focus (edit next column) on Tab key. tried this but not works:
combo2.addSelectionHandler( new SelectionHandler<Street>() {
public void onSelection( SelectionEvent<Street> event ) {
grid.getSelectionModel().selectNext( false );
} );
What to do?
combo2.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Street>() {
public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Street> event) {
streetCombo.resetFocus(null, grid.getView().getCell(0, 2), null);
I done this and its works now, when you choose value it jump to next combobox (0,2 mean 0 row and 2 column )