I wonder how to define a class properly and use it safely. I mean thread safely when thousands of concurrent calls are being made by every website visitor.
I made myself something like below but i wonder is it properly built
public static class csPublicFunctions
private static Dictionary<string, clsUserTitles> dicAuthorities;
static csPublicFunctions()
dicAuthorities = new Dictionary<string, clsUserTitles>();
using (DataTable dtTemp = DbConnection.db_Select_DataTable("select * from myTable"))
foreach (DataRow drw in dtTemp.Rows)
clsUserTitles tempCLS = new clsUserTitles();
tempCLS.irAuthorityLevel = Int32.Parse(drw["Level"].ToString());
tempCLS.srTitle_tr = drw["Title_tr"].ToString();
tempCLS.srTitle_en = drw["Title_en"].ToString();
dicAuthorities.Add(drw["authorityLevel"].ToString(), tempCLS);
public class clsUserTitles
private string Title_tr;
public string srTitle_tr
get { return Title_tr; }
set { Title_tr = value; }
private string Title_en;
public string srTitle_en
get { return Title_en; }
set { Title_en = value; }
private int AuthorityLevel;
public int irAuthorityLevel
get { return AuthorityLevel; }
set { AuthorityLevel = value; }
public static clsUserTitles returnUserTitles(string srUserAuthority)
return dicAuthorities[srUserAuthority];
Dictionary will be initialized only 1 time. No add remove update later.
Dictionary supports thread safe reading. Here is the proof from MSDN:
A Dictionary can support multiple readers concurrently, as long as the collection is not modified. Even so, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. In the rare case where an enumeration contends with write accesses, the collection must be locked during the entire enumeration. To allow the collection to be accessed by multiple threads for reading and writing, you must implement your own synchronization.
So, if you are planning to only read data from it, it should work. However, I do not believe that your dictionary is filled only once and won't be modified during your application work. in this case, all other guys in this thread are correct, it is necessary to synchronize access to this dictionary and it is best to use the ConcurrentDictionary object.
Now, I want to say a couple of words about the design itself. If you want to store a shared data between users, use ASP.NET Cache instead which was designed for such purposes.