I am attempting to take two string collections and combine each line in both collections simultaneously to show a full file path for my user.
Examples to help clear up confusion:
String Collection 1 will contain a list of paths.
C:\windows\xxxx\xxx\xx, C:\Users\xxx\xxx, C:\test\xxx\xxx
String Collection 2 will contain a list of file names.
file.txt, asd.txt, mydll.dll
Each list holds the key to one another in the same line number and I just need to combine them to output them to the end user.
String Collection Line 1 + SC2 Line 1 = Path
SC Line 2 + SC2 Line 2 = Path
SC Line 3 + SC2 Line 3 = Path
The information is not accessible in a combined state so I will be placing the data into two separate WPF TextBoxes and then their content will be pulled into a stringcollection.
First Collection
StringCollection lines = new StringCollection();
int lineCount = filePath.LineCount;
for (int line = 0; line < lineCount; line++)
// Get line text and add to string collection
Second Collection
StringCollection lines2 = new StringCollection();
int lineCount2 = fileName.LineCount;
for (int line = 0; line < lineCount; line++)
// Get line text and add to string collection
Any and all help is appreciated!
Edit 1
I have experimented with the ZIP command thanks to Eve but I also found an alternate route. Is there a safer route using zip compared to the code below?
Keep in mind I will have a function to check the line counts and make sure they are the same.
StringCollection lines = new StringCollection();
int lineCount = itemIDBox.LineCount;
for (int line = 0; line < lineCount; line++)
string id;
string rev;
string combined;
id = itemIDBox.GetLineText(line);
rev = revBox.GetLineText(line);
combined = id + @"\" + rev;
You can use the Zip
method from System.Linq
var fullPaths = lines.Cast<string>().
Zip(lines2.Cast<string>(), (path, fileName) => Path.Combine(path, fileName)).