I'm relatively new to Apex, but I have a question about a batch job that I am creating. I am trying to insert AccountTeamMember records based on my company's territory alignment. The code seems to be working fine, but with one flaw: it is only inserting 100 AccountTeamMember records per user (it should be closer to 400, as that is how many I have loaded in my dev sandbox). Does anyone know what I can do to get an AccountTeamMember record inserted for all accounts per user, rather than 100 of the ~400? Is it something to do with the query including parent-child relationships and governor limits since it is such an even number (100)?
Here is the relevant code:
//list to hold new account teams
List<AccountTeamMember> acctMembers = new List<AccountTeamMember>();
//list to hold new account sharing rules
List<AccountShare> acctSharingRules = new List<AccountShare>();
global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
String query = 'SELECT (SELECT User__c FROM Territory_Users__r), (SELECT Account__c FROM Territory_Accounts__r) FROM Territory_Master__c';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);}
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
for (sObject s : scope) {
Territory_Master__c tm = (Territory_Master__c) s;
Territory_User__c[] userList = tm.getSObjects('Territory_Users__r');
Territory_Account__c[] accountList = tm.getSObjects('Territory_Accounts__r');
if (userList != null && accountList != null){
for(Territory_User__c uu : userList){
for(Territory_Account__c aa: accountList){
AccountTeamMember addRecord = new AccountTeamMember();
addRecord.AccountId = aa.Account__c;
addRecord.TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Rep';
addRecord.UserId = uu.User__c;
AccountShare addSharing = new AccountShare();
addSharing.AccountId = aa.Account__c;
addSharing.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Read';
addSharing.CaseAccessLevel = 'Read';
addSharing.AccountAccessLevel = 'Edit';
addSharing.UserOrGroupId = uu.User__c;
if(acctMembers.size() > 0){
insert acctMembers;
if(acctSharingRules.size() > 0){
insert acctSharingRules;
FYI: This is the final result based on the answer to the question:
global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
String query = 'SELECT Id FROM Territory_Master__c';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);}
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
for(sObject s : scope){
Territory_Master__c tm = (Territory_Master__c) s;
List<Territory_User__c> userList = [SELECT User__c FROM Territory_User__c WHERE Territory_Master__c = :tm.Id];
List<Territory_Account__c> accountList = [SELECT Account__c FROM Territory_Account__c WHERE Territory_Master__c = :tm.Id];
if (userList != null && accountList != null){
for(Territory_User__c uu : userList){
for(Territory_Account__c aa: accountList){
AccountTeamMember addRecord = new AccountTeamMember();
addRecord.AccountId = aa.Account__c;
addRecord.TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Rep';
addRecord.UserId = uu.User__c;
acctSharingRules.add(new AccountShare(
AccountId = aa.Account__c,
OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Read',
CaseAccessLevel = 'Read',
AccountAccessLevel = 'Edit',
UserOrGroupId = uu.User__c)
if(acctMembers.size() > 0){
insert acctMembers;
if(acctSharingRules.size() > 0){
insert acctSharingRules;
I suspect that your subqueries got limited and it's your job to make sure you've finished with this record before moving on to the next one.
Subquery results are like regular query results in that you might need to use queryMore() to retrieve all the records if there are many children. For example, if you issue a query on accounts that includes a subquery, your client application must handle results from the subquery as well
(the example is for Java calling Salesforce so don't copy-paste the code, try to understand the concept. As far as I know Apex doesn't have this queryMore method, it's for integrations only)
Option 1
Funny enough, it should in theory work if you'd change the for loops to this:
for(Territory_User__c uu : tm.getSObjects('Territory_Users__r')){
for(Territory_Account__c aa: tm.getSObjects('Territory_Accounts__r'))
That's because for loops written in that way should automatically call their internal queryMore().
If it won't work (I haven't tested it), you'll have to make a bit more complex changes.
Option 2
Remove the subqueries from the main query, you'll have to put them in the execute(). Something like this:
for(sObject s : scope){
Territory_Master__c tm = (Territory_Master__c) s;
for(Territory_User__c uu : [SELECT User__c FROM Territory_User__c WHERE Territory_Master__c = :tm.Id]){
for(Territory_Account__c aa: [SELECT Account__c FROM Territory_Account__c WHERE Territory_Master__c = :tm.Id]){
acctMembers.add(new AccountTeamMember(
AccountId = aa.Account__c,
TeamMemberRole = 'Sales Rep',
UserId = uu.User__c)
acctSharingRules.add(new AccountShare(
AccountId = aa.Account__c,
OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Read',
CaseAccessLevel = 'Read',
AccountAccessLevel = 'Edit',
UserOrGroupId = uu.User__c)
Side notes
).This trick can make your script execute bit faster and use less statements (so you won't hit another governor limit):
acctSharingRules.add(new AccountShare(
AccountId = aa.Account__c,
OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Read',
CaseAccessLevel = 'Read',
AccountAccessLevel = 'Edit',
UserOrGroupId = uu.User__c)