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Localizing component labels at run-time

I have a few different tabs in a navigator defined like this : (removed client specific domain)

<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx="" 
                    width="100%" height="100%"
                    label="Service Types">

I have resource bundles for different locales, en_US looks like this :

ServicesScreen.label=Service Types

When I try to do this, it doesn't work :


Instead of getting my resource bundle entry, I get something weird looking in my GUI like :


My resource bundles work in other cases, for instance labels next to form input fields, etc... The code compiles, however, and no errors are actually thrown (compile or run-time). I tried assigning the value to a variable and using that variable in the label field, however that caused a compile error.

I tried calling a setter method on creation complete of the component, but that didn't resolve the issue either.

How do I localize my tab labels, and can I do so dynamically at run-time?

Thanks for your time!


  • I guess I'll self-answer this one, although credit goes to Sunil D. I don't know why it didn't work earlier while I was testing, I must've missed something the first time, but here goes. first I added:


    And then in that method body I did :

        protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void
            this.label = resourceManager.getString('resources','opCodeScreen.title');

    And it works like a charm. honestly I'm pretty sure I did this exact same test this morning, but I guess not. Sunil If you want to make your comment an answer I'll go ahead and accept it.

    EDIT: change the text at run-time, add currentStateChange that calls aforementionned method
