I am trying to query PostgreSQL database using Hibernate's restriction criterion like()
with a partial keyword:
Criterion c1 = Restrictions.like("stateName", "Virg*");
return cri.list();
It doesn't return anything but Restrictions.like("stateName", "Virginia");
returns the correct record. How do I use partial like restrictions in Hibernate?
Got it working by doing something like this:
public static List<Object> createQueryStringByRegex(Criteria cri, Parameters p) {
String value = (String) p.value;
if (value.contains("*")) {
value = value.replace("*", "%");
} else {
value += "%";
// System.out.println("Value: "+value);
Criterion c1 = Restrictions.ilike(p.property, value);
return cri.list();
Use the enum MatchMode to help you with it:
Criterion c1 = Restrictions.like("stateName", "Virg", MatchMode.START);
Don't use any special character, like *. And if you want a case-insensitive like, use ilike.